Whether it be images of undying, everlasting love or social commentaries on the vices of the capitalist man, we’re looking for anything and everything in between for this issue. Feel free to submit anything that stems from your imagination—any creative work you think we may enjoy.
Though unthemed, we wish to see works that share any connections with our core values of social justice and cross-cultural dialogue. Works that are powerful, compelling, and out-of-the-ordinary are exactly what we're searching for in compiling our fifth issue.
We wish to see works that embody creativity, with daring and experimental elements threaded into them.
We accept writing that is previously published. However, we ask that you state the previous place of publication.
Please title the subject line with your name, accompanied by submission type and title. (i.e. Robert Frost, Poetry, "The Road Not Taken"
We ask you to submit all writing in 12 pt, Times New Roman, double-spaced formatting.
Though we do accept simultaneous submissions, please indicate this in your email. Additionally, while we will congratulate you on your work's acceptance into another literary publication, we ask that you follow up with us when this happens.
Please provide the following information in the body of your email:
A short 70-word bio of yourself
Title(s) of submission(s)
The Global Youth Review, being a youth-centered magazine, seeks to provide free feedback to any creatives that wish to receive it. Please indicate in your submission if you wish to receive free feedback!
We will not publish any work that is offensive in nature. The Global Youth Review does not endorse any form of homophobia, racism, sexism, and other narratives that may be harmful and offensive. As our magazine's audience consists primarily of minors, we ask that you refrain from using curse words and will automatically reject any pieces that touch upon themes of sexual violence.
Genre and literary fiction are accepted.
The word limit for prose submissions is 5000 words. Though we consider longer pieces, submission that abide by the word count are prioritized.
Any digital files are accepted, though Word and Docs files are preferred.
Please submit a maximum of 3 pieces at any given time.
The word limit for poetry submissions is 1000 words. Though we consider longer pieces, submissions that abide by the word count are prioritized.
We ask that you format your poems the way you want them to be formatted when published.
Any digital files are accepted, though Word and Docs files are preferred.
Please submit up to 5 pieces at any given time.
The word limit for nonfiction submissions is 5000 words. Though we consider longer pieces, submission that abide by the word count are prioritized.
We ask that you cite your sources (if any) in MLA formatting.
Though we usually do not consider multimedia to be published alongside nonfiction pieces, please feel free to send in any videos, pictures, and artwork you feel should be published with your piece.
Any digital files are accepted, though Word and Docs files are preferred.
Please submit up to 3 pieces at any given time.
Visual Media
All visual media, including digital art, 3D art, 2D art, architecture designs, photographs, and videos are accepted.
Any digital files are accepted, though .MOV, .JPG, and .PNG, are preferred.
Please ensure that the quality of your files is above 450px*600px (for picture files) and 720p (for moving files)
Please submit up to 3 pieces of visual media at any given time.
Please allow for up to five weeks for a response from us. Any longer and feel free to nudge us by emailing us!
Upon acceptance, The Global Youth Review reserves first North American publishing rights and archival rights. All rights are reverted to the author/artist upon publication.